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Youth Convention is weekend of fun, fellowship, and learning with youth from across the diocese. This year's theme is "Choose this day whom you will serve," and will center on Joshua's call to serve the Lord found in Joshua 24. Convention will he held at Camp WaJaTo, 1518 KS 14, in Lyons. Youth Convention begins Saturday at noon and ends on Sunday at 2pm. It is open to all youth entering grades 5 through 12.
During convention, two youth delegates will be chosen by the group. Delegates must be at least 16 years old and confirmed members of the Episcopal Church. Elected youth delegates will represent the youth of the diocese at the Annual Convention in Liberal October 18-19. Cost to attend is $25. Participants who register by Friday, August 9 will receive a free t-shirt!
Packing list: pillow and sleeping bag/bedding; reusable water bottle; clothing/swim suit to get wet/dirty in; sunscreen; bug spray; light jacket; shampoo, soap, toothbrush and other toiletries; towel.
For more information or questions contact Ben & Nikki Houchen
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