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Safeguarding Gods People And Children

Safeguarding God's People And Children is an online program developed by Church Pension Group and Praesidium Religious Services which deals with prevention of child sexual abuse. For our diocese, we are adapting the program to include the Diocesan Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth from Abuse and adding modules for the protection of ALL of God's children, including adults.


Safeguarding God's People

Safeguarding God’s People is focus on preventing sexual exploitation in communities of faith and preventing sexual harassment of church volunteers and employees.

For adults in congregations, vestry members, clergy, employees, and others who provide pastoral care Addresses exploitation in pastoral relationships

For church workers and their managers and supervisors

Addresses compliance with sexual harassment laws and church policies

Safeguarding Gods Children

Safeguarding God’s Children is focused on preventing child sexual abuse in our churches and communities. Every person working with children and youth in the church must have completed this training within the last five years.


Safeguarding Online TM

Safeguarding Online can be accessed at any time, from anywhere.  Each module offers easy to understand, step-by-step instruction and ends with a brief quiz.


Who is required to take Safeguarding God's PEOPLE training?

HERE'S WHO all clergy, church employees, vestry members, lay pastoral care ministers spiritual directors, eucharistic visitors, hospital visitors authorized by the church, leaders and facilitators of all adult programs and small group ministries, seminarians, lay chaplains.

Please peruse this section of the website to acquaint yourself with our policies and procedures. 

All lay employees and volunteers are required to take seven modules, each taking approximately 40-45 minutes. Clergy are required to take eleven modules.  A refresher course should be taken every five years.


Module Content:

The below modules are required by lay volunteers and employees as well as all clergy. Clergy are also required to complete the six and additional modules listed below.

Safe Church Safe Communities: Abuse and Neglect

Some of the content in this course may be difficult to process; however, it is important for understanding the full impact of the problem and risk of sexual abuse.

Abuse Risk Management for Volunteers

This module shows volunteers how molesters operate, the devastating effects of abuse, and the specific steps volunteers can take to prevent abuse and false allegations of abuse.


Keeping Your Church Safe Healthy Boundaries
Children come to us throughout the day, week after week, month after month, and year after year. They expect to learn about God, have fun, make friends, practice skills, and grow in faith. They expect to be safe. In this course, you will learn when and where abuse is most likely to occur in church programs, and boundaries in keeping children safe, and how you can protect yourself from false allegations of abuse.

Preventing Bullying

Bullying, in some way is a part of everybody's childhood memories. However, the severity of recent bullying incidents has shown that bullying can no longer be a "normal" part of growing up.

Social Media Safety

Social media safety is a relevant topic for everyone who works with young people. In a short period of time, new technologies have revolutionized the way we all communicate. This course introduces guidelines for protecting the youths in your care when using social media and electronic communication.


 Policies: The Episcopal Church Model Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth
This course outlines policies relevant to the prevention of abuse. To complete the course, you must indicate that you have read, understand, and agree to comply with these policies.


All Clergy are required to complete 11 modules, each taking 40-45 minutes.

  • Safe Church Safe Communities: Abuse and Neglect

  • Keeping Your Church Safe Healthy Boundaries

  • Safe Church, Safe Communities: Introduction & Theological Background

  • Safe Church, Safe Communities: Organizational Rules & Policies

  • Safeguarding God's People: Preventing Sexual Harassment for Managers & Supervisors

  • Preventing Bullying

  • Social Media Safety

  • Duty To Report Mandated Reporter

  • Policies: The Episcopal Church Model Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth

  • Policies: The Episcopal Church Model for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults

If you Have any questions regarding the Safeguarding courses, you can go to their FAQ.


You can contact Toni Cottrell at the Diocesan Office to register for the Online Safeguarding Course at


© 2023 The Episcopal Diocese of Western Kansas

1 North Main, Suite 411, Hutchinson, KS 67501


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